Monday, 26 October 2009

My View

Today I have nothing major to say for the my view section of the blog. Expect the issue of Iran is still bubbling underneath the surface. We should be very careful of half deals, this maybe the way Iran will continue to move towards acquiring as nuclear weapon while at the same time playing the west. Half the problem is the west has by in large bad and weak leaders and the other half of the problem is the west is just so desperate to strike a deal with Iran that it will take almost anything.

The west is in quite a dangerous position with Iran right now and needs to take a deep breath over any Iranian offer that may come over Iran’s nuclear weapons program. All western leaders must make blatantly clear it is not acceptable for Iran to go nuclear, yet the mood music from the west is quite the opposite, the mood music points to an acceptable accommodation, which will allow the west to save face and for Iran to go nuclear.

Lets be clear any accommodation would be a disaster for the middle east, would see increased conflict and would see the decline of the west in short it is not in the interest of the west to allow Iran to go nuclear. Yet like a fat man reasoning just because he didn’t eat chips with the burger he may get thinner, the west is hoping that just because they avoided and escalation with Iran things will get better, they wont, indeed they probably will get worse

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