Wednesday, 18 November 2009

No major posts today

I am just very busy today i will post the outcome up when its done. But as a heads up Israel to go to war before passover. I am going to post a recipe up today

Chicken & mushroom puff pie

1 tbsp vegetable oil
8 skinless boneless chicken thighs
8 rashers smoked streaky bacon , cut into large pieces
1 onion , halved and sliced
250g pack baby button mushrooms
handful thyme sprigs
2 tbsp plain flour
400ml chicken stock
200ml milk
500g pack fresh puff pastry , or frozen and defrosted
1 egg , beaten

Heat the oil in a large, non-stick frying pan. Season the chicken to taste and fry for 5-8 mins until golden brown, turning occasionally. You may need to do this in two batches, depending on the size of your pan. Lift the chicken onto a plate and tip the bacon into the pan. Fry for 5 mins until crisp. Add the onion, mushrooms and thyme, then fry on a high heat for another 3 mins until the onions start to colour.
Tip the flour into the pan and cook, stirring, for 1 min.

With the pan off the heat, gradually stir or whisk in the stock, followed by the milk, then add the chicken back to the pan. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 30 mins. Spoon the filling into a large pie or baking dish (approx 20 x 30cm) with a lip and leave to cool.

Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. On a floured surface, roll the pastry to the thickness of two £1 coins. Cut a long strip as wide as the rim of the pie dish and, using a little of the egg, fix to the edge of the pie dish. Brush with egg, then lift the rest of the pastry over the pie, using the rolling pin to help.

Gently press the edges with your fingers and trim with a sharp knife. Brush lightly with egg to glaze, then bake for 30 mins or until the pastry is risen and dark golden brown.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Bad U.K

The U.K has got so bad under Brown people are now trying to fly away under thier own steam just to GET OUT

Quick News Round up

Once again busy, but here is a heads up India has put its nuclear power plants on alert of a possible terror attack.

Just like Berlusconi
Colonel Muammar Gaddafi invites 500 Italian women to villa and lectures them on Islam

A whole new new to not fight wars is being proposed
Italy's Foreign Minister says post-Lisbon EU needs a European Army

I hate it when that happens, your walking along and then bam! Before you know it your in some one else’s mouth
'Man Butchered And Eaten By Three Tramps'

I also heard they have Elvis, Santa Clause and the tooth fairy locked up as well
Report: Missing Iran general abducted by Mossad, being held in Israel

Friday, 13 November 2009


Nothing at all today as i am doing a metrics map for the Afghan conflict and it is taking up a lto of brian power, my one and only brain cell is about to collapse. But as an issue to think of should we be backing india more? Is it the case that India will take over from the U.S.A as the next "Western" super power? Or should we be backing more powers such as Brazil South Africa and China? If we put all our eggs in one basket then we can shape and control India but we must be sure of the out come, but if we are not sure of the outcome then i suggest we back multiple powers.

My money is on India-- all the eggs in one basket policy

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Quick News Round up

I am bloody busy once again, but then again who gives a fuck? Here is the quick news round up, I will try and post some picture or something laughing at Gordon Brown sometime today.

A curry Versus spare ribs, who will win?
Tension grows between China and India as Asia slips into cold war

Greasy Latinos get some attention
Israel and Iran compete to expand influence in Latin America

Bang your dead, you bastard
Iran embassy man shot in Pakistan

The last time i had a dog at home i was made to get of the seat,bed and and move out the way so the dick could wtach the T.V(Seriously that’s true!!)
War Dog Found Months After Afghan Ambush

The injustice of it all
Premier League rejects Old Firm

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

What’s war good for absolutely nothing, well its good for destroying your enemies and protecting you country actually

Heads up, or a hat tip-------possible war between Israel and Hezbollah
No blogging as I am very busy but here is the quick news round up, the next my view will but about India.

North and South Korea have naval skirmish: Yonhap

Silly bugger, i hope he burns in hell
Charles Taylor 'duped' by Nigeria

Once again the Italians are on the right side.. wait when have they ever been on the right side?
Iran Turns To Italy To Launch Satellite

Watch out for the Thai fury special move, its straight out of the street fighter play book
Thai fury as Thaksin arrives in Cambodia

Yeah and they smell so good as well
Gulf Al-Qaida chief: Shi'ites like Iran more dangerous than Jews

Monday, 9 November 2009

Quick News Round up

Brun sazs sorreee
UK's Brown apologizes for misspelled letter

Weird old man looks to start some trouble
Chavez tells troops to ready for war with Colombia

Russia must keep promise to supply missiles: Iran

Erections in Iraq… sorry that’s elections in Iraq, both are achievements, though I am not sure which one I want to see least
Iraq election set for January 21 after new law passes

Lets hope he hurries up and dies
North Korea: Kim Jong-il and his 19 private train stations

Friday, 6 November 2009

Here we go again

The whole Russia Ukraine gas nonsense maybe starting again
Ukraine Says It Paid Russian Gas Bill

My View Preview

I will explore briefly is the dreadnought moment, I don’t mean revolution in military affairs, they are typically longer lasting and can be seen emerging through chronometric analysis. I mean instead a moment in military affairs where an idea, or a weapon is so strong that all else falls before it, such as the dreadnought, hence the phrase the dreadnought moment. I want to ask are we, this generation, due a dreadnought moment?

Quick News Round up

Yeah but they make good carpets...
Iran tested advanced nuclear warhead: report

The fallen
US Army Base Massacre: Killer Caught On CCTV

So deploying them was a good idea then?
UN: 50 peacekeepers punished for sex abuses

Sesame Street celebrates 40 years

Thursday, 5 November 2009

My View

Today’s my view is about vacuous decision making. There are two prominent western leaders that stand accused of this. One leader is already in office the other will soon be elected. But these leaders stand accused of a lacking of forward planning, a lack of principle and rather ironically just not being a good enough politician.

The problem of these two leaders and in general vacuous decision making is an important one to tackle and has two real major and profound implications.

The first major implication is a lack of real effective leadership in changing or implementing their view for their countries. This is important as the leaders move from leaders who stand at the front and charge into battle first, into mere super mangers. Both leaders display an inclination to mange a situation out of existence rather than lead their respective countries to a principled decision. While just managing a situation means there is a very strong chance of a large compromise, it creates no real outcome, no clear understanding of any situation emerges. What does emerge is a half cooked idea, what does emerge is a fudge and what does emerge is trouble later on down the line. An example of this(without making it personal) is health care reform in America, without clear a decisive outcome health care reform has petered on for nearly fifty years with no side being happy and no one every truly understanding how health care works and where health care should go. Both leaders stand ready and accused of turning every issue into a situation similar to American health care reform

While the first issue was to do with reforming a country and implementing a clear a decisive vision the second major issue manifests itself in leadership especially abroad. A leader whatever he/she is or thinks must be decisive, bold, relentless and strong. Yet both these leaders yet again appear to have all the tendency of a super manger and not even a third rate leader. Neither leader wants to take any sort of lead in their respective spheres of influence, neither leader wants to lead on Afghanistan and neither wants to lead on Iran. Thus due to their lack of leadership their countries influence will decline(they will be happy to manage that decline), their soldiers will continue to bleed heavily while both leaders dither on decision making in Afghanistan and lastly will they look to manage Iran, it will go Nuclear.

In short managing a situation and a political system has a place and a virtue but management is not and must never become an ideology. Especially in times like these we need clear decisive and principled leadership

Quick News Round up

So it begins.....
Saudi jets 'attack Yemen rebels

Its important to be number one at something
Britain is 'designer drugs' capital of Europe, says EU agency

Iraq Redux: solution surge long and large but surge NOW!!!
UN pulls 600 staff out of Afghanistan after deadly Taliban attack

Whinging gits are right for once
F1 'war' on car makers - Ferrari

Of course it wasn’t them, they are not nasty terrorists hell bent on punishing the west for being western.
Hezbollah denies link to arms ship

Wednesday, 4 November 2009


I have some rushy around stuff to do today, but i will post today, as a heads up Yemen is back in the news again, as is GM(Goverment Motors), they have pissed off the Germans, The Brits bleed in the Af-Pak war and the US elections are missunderstood

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

My View

In this my view the topic will be how we honor those who have served, injured and fallen for their countries. There is some import above the natural inclination to honor those who have served, it relates to keeping intact the military covenant.

Honoring those who have served allows a country to show its thanks, allows a community to display its support to the members of the armed forces and also creates a network of support within communities and the armed forces for relatives of the serving, who are finding times difficult.

But we must be sensitive, some want fireworks, brass bands and massive displays of support from the public. Yet this can be hard for members of the armed forces who need to rationalize their tours of duty in their minds. Large crowds, lots of noise and overt public display can be very hard especially for those who have lost friends, for those who are injured and for the families of the fallen.

Yet if we do not show our appreciation how can the armed forces ever know that what they do is so vital? Its very hard to be sensitive and flexible over such issues, and I suggest there is no real right answer.

While such debates may continue in the end I would say one of the best ways to show our armed forces that we appreciate the job they do is to ensure good pay, good conditions, good equipment and a clear mission objective.

Our armed forces are the first and last line of defense if we fail them to many times maybe one day they wont be able to perform the tasks we ask of them

Quick News Round up

An all new and interesting country to surrender to…
France Wades Into Bog of North Korean Diplomacy

Yeah but they are nice guys who aren’t terrorists and they are not Islamist who are connected to Iran aren’t they??
Hamas 'tests long-range rocket'

Cookies, milk, motherly love, the sale of prostitutes, the slaughter of your enemies and the buying of politicians all now have to wait a bit
Chinese mafia godmother jailed in Chongqing

Chavez is doing such great job
Venezuela rations water in response to drought

I claim the third one to the left as my new home world!!!!!
Planets 'spotted' outside our own galaxy for first time

Some down MANY MANY more to go
Philippine troops kill 5 al-Qaida-linked militants

Monday, 2 November 2009

My View

This my view is a quick my view as I am busy as the Grim Reaper at an old folks home after a fireworks display. The issue to grapple with is how to deal with a problem population inside a country. For example how does America deal with Hispanic gangs or how does the U.K deal with its militant Pakistani population?

There is a double sided danger to this issue, if your to hard you create an increased sense of grievance of that ethnic population and you may very well drive the gangs or un-integrated populous to arm up to protect themselves. But if your not hard enough every other member of your country will lack security and by not tackling the problem it may get worse and entrenched.

But the problem can go on, especially in liberal western countries there is a distinct possibility of no go areas and low level insurgencies. While some western nations are to blame for being excessively racist and exclusive the problem appears to manifesting it self in those third and fourth generations who should be more integrated relaxed and comfortable in their host countries

The point here is this is an issue that requires decades of very strong and very consistent policy from western governments yet this is what appears to be the hardest thing a western government do. Thus is it the case not to long in the future western nations may face multiple low level insurgencies? Or is it the case we may even face the embryonic beginnings right now? This is a major concern as it represent such a massive challenge to the continuityof the western state, and I would suggest we don’t have a handle on it.

Quick News Round up

And you need to piss right off love...
Clinton: Israel "Needs to do Much More

If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times DON’T TRUST ANY GOVERNMENT with stuff that’s important to you
Brussels criticises UK on privacy

Abu Musab Al suri And his legacy
Al Qaeda calls for home-made bomb attacks in West

South Korean cabbies win right to watch TV while driving

Fantastic allied soldiers die en mass for this ass to win… Dostum is the candidate I am backing to kill the Taliban
Karzai named Afghan president; runoff nixed

Friday, 30 October 2009

Quick News Round up

No my view today as I am calculating force ratios in Afghanistan

Over sexed and over here
Colombia and US sign bases deal

Where have you people been all this time?
Clinton leaves Pakistan with pointed question on al Qaeda

It took them a while...
Iran says having evidences of U.S. involvement in suicide bomb attacks

I see, i guess he also spied for Mars and the men on the moon as well
Gaydamak worked for French intelligence, ex-minister claims

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Quick News Round up

No my view today as I have work to do, but do feel free to send in you’re my views and I will post them un-edited(as long as there are not to dirty)

The Russians are truly egalitarian; they want a Chernobyl for everyone
Russian space chief proposes nuclear spaceship

Berlusconi eat your heart out
Somali man, '112', weds girl, 17

Thanks America, P.S China thanks you for cap and trade
U.S. stimulus deal buoys U.K. factory’s workers

The collapse of Yemen picks up pace
Yemen arrest five Somalis

Oh no i am scared now, a bunch chnia men are coming to build a take away
4th China fleet to sail for anti-piracy mission

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

My View

My view

This my view is about Turkey. In recent times Turkey has been asserting a new and worrying confidence on the International stage, Turkey has been cavorting with Iran and Syria, condemning Israel and America and lecturing the EU.

For such a long time Turkey has been a close friend and ally of the west, helping us in the fight against Communism, helping us take stock after the cold war and helping us at the start of the war on terrorism. Turkey also hosts vital military bases and other military installations that the west needs.

Yet a serious of events including regular condemnation of Israel, regular support of Iran and cancelling military exercises with Israel may suggest that Turkey is gravitating away from the west. This could have major implications for the way the west and Israel conducts themselves in the Middle East and central Asia. Turkey is able to provide political, diplomatic and material support in the Middle East and central Asia to the detriment of western interests.

We should be very careful in our head long rush to remove the Turkish Generals form the Turkish political scene. They have acted in the past as the guardians of the Ataturk ideal and they have prevented Turkey becoming Islamist. Yet we seem very sure that removing these guardians of Turkish politics and civil society is a good thing. Yet no one has proposed another form of safe guarding Turkey from its rush to Islamism, a problem that Ataturk seen and a problem that is slowly manifesting itself right now.

Our interest is a Turkey that is pro-western, our interest is a Turkey that is not Islamist and our interest is a Turkey that is safe prosperous and willing to promote the west in the middle east and central Asia. Yet we in the west seem hell bent on removing the one set of guardians, the Generals, that ensure our and Turkish inertest are best served.

Quick News Round up

One smelly old dictator praises another
China's Hu lauds North Korea, sidesteps nuclear dispute

African country holds an election… don’t hold your breath
Mozambique holds poll, Guebuza expected to win

Man granted a mercy he failed to grant others
Trial of Nazi Hit Man Opens in Germany

No one is much keen on the UN but attacking them with guns… it’s a bit like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic
Kabul Under Attack: Taliban Target U.N., Luxury Hotel

Is this the modern day war of attrition?
Rockets found in south Lebanon, day after attack

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Breaking news

KFC's Colonel Sanders tricks his way into UN to pose for 'official' photo

Quick News Round up

No my view today as I have a bit of a rush job on, but if anyone sends in a My View (spelled checked) I will happily put it up. For the time being here is the news round up

About bloody time....
EU removes Uzbekistan arms block

France does the strong arm stuff on Iran, what the hell am I in a parallel universe?
France seeks answers from Iran on nuclear program

Look he just wanted to go on a diet and where else is better in the world than North Korea to diet?
NKorea claims SKorean crossed DMZ to defect

A spade is a spade, fraudulent evil bastards are fraudulent evil bastards
French court convicts Church of Scientology of fraud

Oh no they failed to follow the rules, rules such as don’t piss in the wind and don’t sail near the pirates, simple rules like that..
Pirates 'seize UK yacht couple'

Monday, 26 October 2009

My View

Today I have nothing major to say for the my view section of the blog. Expect the issue of Iran is still bubbling underneath the surface. We should be very careful of half deals, this maybe the way Iran will continue to move towards acquiring as nuclear weapon while at the same time playing the west. Half the problem is the west has by in large bad and weak leaders and the other half of the problem is the west is just so desperate to strike a deal with Iran that it will take almost anything.

The west is in quite a dangerous position with Iran right now and needs to take a deep breath over any Iranian offer that may come over Iran’s nuclear weapons program. All western leaders must make blatantly clear it is not acceptable for Iran to go nuclear, yet the mood music from the west is quite the opposite, the mood music points to an acceptable accommodation, which will allow the west to save face and for Iran to go nuclear.

Lets be clear any accommodation would be a disaster for the middle east, would see increased conflict and would see the decline of the west in short it is not in the interest of the west to allow Iran to go nuclear. Yet like a fat man reasoning just because he didn’t eat chips with the burger he may get thinner, the west is hoping that just because they avoided and escalation with Iran things will get better, they wont, indeed they probably will get worse

Quick News Round up

Pakistan chases its own tail
Pakistanis battle Taliban after diversionary raid

A story that at first looks ripe for satire turns out disappointing (like most things French)
France's Greatest Military Hero Turns 50

Trial for man, nothing really rude to say expect he has a bad hair do and he is a mass murderer
Radovan Karadzic accused by judge of obstructing Hague genocide trial

Friday, 23 October 2009

My view

This my view is quick as I am tired and smell a bit. Joe Biden is visiting Poland amongst other Eastern European countries this week. This visit comes on the back of Obama relegating Eastern Europe form the missile defense premier league to the part time league of no hopers. Conventional wisdom tells us the Poles and other Eastern Europeans are up set at this slight as they feel frozen out and they feel they expended political capital for no real reason.

Yet the real worry in Eastern Europe comes with the perceived American abandonment of Eastern Europe in favor of Russia. This feeling can not be eased when Obama announced the new missile defense plans on the same day as the 70th anniversary of the Russo-German invasion of Poland.

This goes to the real nub of Eastern European worry, they feel tremendously insecure in the face of Russia, they look at Georgia, energy security, the probable war between Russia and the Ukraine and they also look to the past and all roads lead to a very aggressive and expansionist Russia.

Eastern Europeans did not feel threatened by Iran, they feel threatened by Russia. To that end missile defense was merely a tool for Eastern Europeans to get American boots on the ground and multiple security guarantees.

Yet Biden seems unable and unwilling to give any security guarantees to Eastern Europe, this will crate and feed massive instability that may well lead to war. For a small set of security guarantees Biden and Obama could avoid the coming tension and possible wars, but they seems unable and unwilling to give those guarantees

Quick News Round up

Thanks a lot you bastards
2 NATO members: No more troops to Afghanistan now

Paella and siesta will do that for you
Spain jobless rate remains at EU-high of 17.9 pct

North Korea's 'disregard' for citizens starving eight million

Out there this summer
Slum that used to be one of Africa's most opulent hotels

Thursday, 22 October 2009

My View

My View

This view is a point about Ethiopia. Ethiopia is in the news right now due to famine, it has requested food aid from the international community. But this famine like so many is not a product of lack of food (the lack of food is a symptom), the real problem is poor governance. Like many countries Ethiopia experiences an ebb and flow of all resources, but unlike other countries Ethiopia fails in any way to mitigate or prepare for that ebb. Instead Ethiopia lurches from famine to poverty to famine barely managing each new situation as and when it arises. This in indicative not just of a very poor national government structure but of an almost non existent local government structure. Ethiopia should now be in a situation where it conducts very critical reviews of its own conduct in previous crises but instead it reaches out to the international community to do what it cant, fulfill the very basic function of protecting its own citizens.

While this is a tired and tested formula, we need to be more radical and firm in tackling countries like Ethiopia, we should be able to expect a certain level of responsibility form other countries, but in return they should be able to expect the same from us. So here, in my view, is the long term solution to this as an issue, no more agricultural subsidies, quotas and barriers, no more aid to countries, a firm legally binding commitment by all countries to remove all barriers to trade by 2050 and a understanding that all countries must be responsible in creating structures and organizations that will allow governments to mitigate such issues in the future

Quick News Round up

You think you get frustrated at the airport wait, these guys really get annoyed
20 Killed After Somalia Militant Attack

Iran and Israel meet and agree to hate each other
Iran, Israel eyeball at Mideast nuke conference

They are sooooooooooo misunderstood they just want a beach holiday
Pirates hijack cargo ship near Seychelles

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

My View

My View

This my view is a general talking point about the way we conduct international relations. International relations should be a matter of defining self interest then defining what you’re willing to do and what you’re willing to forego to achieve that self interested goal. What you’re willing to forego should not be more than what you will achieve by foregoing that aspect of power.

But unfortunately leaders of the democratized world seem either unable to place a numeric value beside what they want and what there are willing to give up, or they seem un willing to grasp this very simple equation. For example Iran, we( us in the west) want Iran not to go nuclear, yet what we are willing to give up seems far to much to obtain this objective. By this I mean we are willing to be very slack with verification over Iran’s nuclear program, we are willing to bring Iran into the “respected nations” bracket, we are willing to water down our relationships with Saudi and Israel, we are willing to accept and legitimize Iran’s role in the world and her proxies in the world, in short we are almost willing to cede everything to Iran and in return Iran can remain at the nuclear threshold until what ever time suits Iran in the future to go nuclear. This appears to me just to be plain bad international relations. Another example of this is over EU integration, many nation states are willing to give up many sovereign powers for the sake of the EU running “ more efficiently”, when plainly the EU will run efficiently when hell freezes over. In other words European nation states are giving up sovereignty for a goal that can not and will not ever be achieved, it’s a perversion of the simple equation I outlined in the first paragraph,

By not adhering to this simple equation two major side effects become apparent one external and one internal. The first is by not adhering to this equation countries can be played very easily. It becomes easy to manipulate and control countries (as Iran is doing to the west) to achieve an even better outcome than initially envisioned. The second issue is internal populations become frustrated and very distrustful of there politicians and move closer to the inclination of isolationism. The logic goes “ if we can not trust our leaders to peruse our even most basic self interest abroad then me might as well just not do international relations” This has profound consequences on the domestic structures of a country internally but also it means a country slowly withdraws and withdraws from the international relations arena leaving a vacuum.

Quick News Round up

Two Delhi-bound trains collide, killing 21 people

That’s an interesting excuse to get out of home work
Pakistan suicide attack closes schools and universities

Trouble off the port bow arrrrrrrrrrrr
World Pirate Attacks Surge in 2009 Due to Somalia

Countries fight over who is the next super hyper super duper amazing power
India, China leaders to meet amid war of words

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

My View

My view
The Afghan elections are making the news right now, we in the west are increasingly questioning the legitimacy of Hamid Karzai’s victory. This is fine as far as it goes but we must always remember our mission in Afghanistan, which was to track down and punish those who want to come to the west and hurt our populations and punish those who want to come to the west and speared their malicious ideas. My view is this we should look to have a very strong Afghan central government run by a man who is capable of governing Afghanistan with an Iron fist, who isn’t Islamist and who is more than capable of taking on any rebels that my want to take on the central government when we leave.

Our role there is not to bring democracy, while it’s a good form of government, democracy typically takes root when a populous wants it and there is no clear indication the Afghans want democracy right now, on top of which Afghanistan needs a strong centrifugal force emanating from Kabul, otherwise it is in danger of spinning apart into it smaller separate constituent parts. In my view this policy does have a name and a face and it is general Abdul Rashid Dostum, with very little money the warlord the Taliban have never beaten could summon up an army of at least 150,000 men and go forth laying waste to the Taliban in the south. The price we in the west would have to pay for this is the acceptance that Dostum would take charge in Kabul as a dictator. That’s something I can live with

Two issues that may develop

Watch out for the name Fergana valley there are a bunch of Al Qaeda boys on the run there and there is a possibility the Chinese may lunch a rescue mission to get back their hijacked bulk carrier from Somalia pirates

Quick News Round up

8 South Asian nations resist binding emission cuts

It’s a symptom not a problem
Crisis At The World's Largest Refugee Camp

Russians stop drinking vodka for a couple of minutes and show just how mad they are!!
Moscow to Fight Winter's Snow with Air Force

It maybe war, but not as we know it Jim
Peacekeepers warn of military build up in Darfur

Indian man castrates himself to join begging eunuchs

Trouble in Central Asia
Kyrgyzstan's government resigns

Monday, 19 October 2009


Saudi forces accused of firing across Yemen border


I can not be sure but this may be the start of the slow creep of Saudis much needed intervention in Yemen. The Saudis appear very reluctant(for good reason) to get involved in Yemen, but they must otherwise they know and we know Yemen will collapse and become a steeping stone for Al Qaeda to move into Saudi proper and that would be an absolute disaster for Saudi and for us in the West.

I not sure this is the beginning it may be an isolated incident but I hope it’s the beginning of a stabilization mission in Yemen

My View

My view

Two very quick bits of analysis. The first is the Jundallah attack in Iran yesterday that killed the deputy commander of the revolutionary republican guard. The Jundallah while have no proven links to the Taliban and Al Qaeda are nonetheless and extreme Sunni group so do not be surprised if in the future we have to bomb them. But more importantly we must not use the Jundallah as a substitute for actuality tackling Iran, some in policy making positions believe they can use the Jundallah to create mayhem, chaos and insurrection inside Iran which in turn will disrupt Iran’s Nuke program. While the soldiers of God have there use’s such as acting as a vehicle for assassination, kidnap and Intel gathering they are unable to stop Iran going nuclear, that’s up to western powers to come to terms with what needs to be done and doing it. Unfortunately in the west there is still a sense of shock and denial as to the action that needs to be taken. Until we get over that shock and denial we in the west will remain paralyzed and unable to act in the face of Iran’s nuclear program

The second piece of analysis is Pakistan’s offensive against the Taliban. Pakistan must not only win but also hold the ground it takes, if it is not capable of holding the ground it takes then the Taliban and its various contingents including the Uzbeks, will re-occupy the territory it made Pakistan pay so dearly for and the cycle of suicide bombing and army offensive will continue, with the Taliban steeping up their infiltration of Pakistani provinces. But for the Pakistan to hold the ground they have taken two things must occur, one: Pakistan must start to look at India as less of a threat than the Taliban, this would in turn allow the Pakistani army to redeploy possible up to One Hundred thousand troops to the afghan border along with some up to date military hardware such as heavy steel and advanced aircraft. This would allow Pakistan to hold the ground they have taken and also it would allow them to make the Taliban pay a very high price for there defiance of central government. The second major event that must occur is that ISI, The Pakistani armed forces and its civil service must be slowly purged of all Islamists and pro Taliban elements. These elements have a serious constraining and disrupting effect on the army’s offensives and mission to destroy the Taliban and they must be eliminated, in essence they are the fifth column

Quick News Round up

Pakistan tries to tackle its own baby
Taleban militants put up stern resistance to South Waziristan offensive

No suspires there then
No winner for $5 million African leadership prize

EU promises to kill far more Africans(they are just not hitting their targets!!)
EU Promises More Money for Dairy Farmers

I am truly shocked they haven’t blamed Israel
Iran threatens Britain and U.S. after Guard bombing


Friday, 16 October 2009


No blogging today as i have a war game to win, keep the faith and blogging will resume Monday as per usual.

As a heads up Pakistans next move against the Taliban will decicde a lot

My advice hit back and hit back as hard as you can and then some!!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

No blogging on Thursady off to Mount Vernon


Being from near Glasgow i wet my pants laughing at this

Firm seeks Glaswegian interpreter

Another Quick News Round up

I can tell you how he is French!!!
How a French Physicist Became a Terrorism Suspect

Yeah and they paid me just to F@#K off
Mussolini paid well as British agent in WWI

GOOD NEWS the total is less than i thought, HAPPY DAYS!!!
Iraq report: 85,000 Iraqis killed from 2004-08

soylent green: its the answer to all our problems!!
U.N. warns of Perilous Hunger Trend

My View

My view

There is an increasing likelihood of war between Russia and the Ukraine. Several factors contribute to this analysis, the first being Russia lease on its naval base in Sevastopol is coming to an end and the Russians have indicated they must have a renewal of this lease, on top of which ethnic Russians are agitating in the Crimea for the lease to be extended, despite this the Ukrainians have indicated they will not extent the lease. Additionally Ukrainian elections are due early next year which will upset Russia if they turn out against Russia, Ukrainian nationalist are agitating against Russia and most importantly Ukraine feels under extreme threat of war from Russia and she feels the west will not help her. All this put together makes war about 70% likely, the war would involve Russia occupying all of the Crimea, devastating the Ukrainian armed forces and in effect turning the Ukraine into a client state of Russia.

This is not the suspires or the big issue the most important issue in this equation is how will the west react? We know the only reason Russia did not take Georgia apart piece by piece is because eventually the Americans deployed the fleet to the black sea, Russia, in other words backs down when shown the west is serious over her interests. But the west has been increasing reluctant to defend her interest east of Berlin and ironically this pull back makes Russia and other powers far more belligerent, or in short the fall back of the west makes war more likely.

Quick News Round up

Must Read and lsiten
Author: Pakistan, India At War In Afghanistan

EU Moves closer to Asia
EU Candidate Countries: Key Findings On Progress Of Croatia, Turkey and The Republic of Macedonia

Its a bit late for that Chuck!!
N. Korea Apologizes for Flood It Caused in South

You know of course this means WAR!
Rebel raids 'spreading in Congo'

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Due to the collapse in Yemen we will see more stories like this

Shootout kills 2 al-Qaida members, 1 Saudi soldier

My View

I had Columbus Day off yesterday so I slept. But I feel a very quick bit of analysis is needed over the Af-Pak troubles. The Taliban (Forget Al Qaeda they are in East Africa and Yemen now), are now trying to turn their focus to Pakistan from Afghanistan, they are doing this not because they are strong and not because they are winning in Afghanistan but precisely for the opposite reasons. The increasing accepted view is that the Americans have destroyed far more of the hard core Jihadists than they have understood. As a result while the Taliban tactics are increasing in sophistication they can carry out less of them(they have width in sophistication, but a lack of command and manpower depth) . Added with America and allies adapting to counter Taliban tactics, this has forced the Taliban to move to a far softer set of targets a.k.a Pakistan. So don’t look at the increasing number of attacks in Pakistan as the strength of the Taliban look on it as the exact opposite, we must help Pakistan win their part of the war and at the same time keep up the pressure on the Taliban on the afghan side of the border

Quick News Round up

Probbaly not..
Plan B for Iran? U.S. Wants Bunker-Buster Fast

I told everyone so, Yemen is Buggered
Houthi leader denies receiving Iran’s support
Yemen’s rebel leader says secession possible

Thats Nazi'sty
Swastika, Obama’s name carved into golf course green

I never thought it was anything eles!!
Stephen Gately died from respiratory failure caused by fluid on lungs

Ah vast ye land lumbers
French soldiers fire on Indian Ocean pirates

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Maybe he is just lost?

Iran accuses U.S. after nuke scientist vanishes


Chilli beef and pepper stir fry

200g Beef fillet, sliced
1 tbsp cornflour
2 tbsp groundnut oil
2 cloves Garlic, sliced
1 tbsp freshly grated Ginger
1 medium red chillies, seeds removed, finely chopped
1 red pepper, cut into chunks
1 tsp dark Soy sauce
1 tbsp light Soy sauce
1/2 tsp Sesame oil
1 tbsp hot vegetable stock

1. Toss the beef slices in the corn flour and set aside.

2. Heat a wok over high heat and add the groundnut oil until it's smoking then add the garlic, ginger and red chili and stir quickly for a few seconds so they do not burn, add the beef slices and stir fry until browned.

3. Add the red pepper and a little freshly ground black pepper and stir fry until slightly softened. Finally pour in both soy sauces, the sesame oil and vegetable stock and heat until bubbling, if the sauce needs thickening then mix some cornflour with a little cold water and stir in to the sauce


Quick News Round up

Nutty poeople try to convince the world they are not nuts
Taliban claim they pose no threat to west

Pakistan, the Taliban and dead people
Pakistan 'Taliban bodies' found

French Minister: 'I Paid Boys For Sex'

Al qaeda takes umbrage at the world's largest chinese take away
Al Qaeda tells China's Uyghurs to prepare for holy war

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Quick News Round up

Silly buggers
Pirates hit navy ship 'in error'

Its all the fault of the jews, how dare they do this to ME!!
Gibson drink-drive charges erased

They have run out of money again, its time to pretend they want peace so they can get some more money to waste
N. Korea Signals Return to Nuclear Talks

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

They are back at it!!!

Iran to launch research rocket into space

Hat Tip

Bashar al-Assad may well be on the way out, who will take over?

Quick News Round up

U.S. Ally Mahmoud Abbas in Serious Trouble

Greeks want loads of state benifits and they want them NOW!
Greece Swears in Socialist Prime Minister

Yemen continues its downward spiral
Yemen loses another jet

Oman shows the world all new ways to be comfortable being uncomfortable
Oman Air: OmanAir launches brand new Economy, Business and First Class cabins aboard new A330-300

P.S Piracy will go up in and around the Gulf of Aden, Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean

Monday, 5 October 2009


Here is my question what the hell were they trying to blow up Gabala for? That would piss the Russians off no end it would isolate Hezbollah form Russia. I think there is far more to this story keeep an eye on it

Azerbaijan jails two Lebanese for embassy plots

Quick News Round up

Yeah.. the jews are every where they even made my toilet run out of toliet roll dam you!!!
Rumors of Israeli involvement in Honduras raise concerns

Shock.. International body corrupt?
SAfrica's ex-top cop denies corruption charge

Creepy old man has a sex life
David Letterman’s ex-staffer spills ‘icky’ detail

Friday, 2 October 2009


A very distinguished professor was lecturing me over a lunch time sandwich as to the history of the Olympics. And he said he hope the Olympics went to Rio, this was despite the fact he was a very conservative American. I asked him the reason and he cited two major issues that meant he want keen on the Olympics, the first was the cost, he hated the idea that people believed the Chicago Olympics could be purely privately funded he said the funds were not there and in the end the American government would bail the Olympics out. The second issue he cited was the history of the Olympics he pointed out that the Olympics has had an anti Semitic, anti American and anti modernity streak running thorough it at various times in its history and he said he would rather the hundred meter dash take place in the slums of Rio rather than the slums of Chicago.

Quick News Round up

I wish i was like him...
Call Girl: Italian PM's Home 'Was A Harem'

Oh no someone questions "God" on point of morality
Obama Olympics pledge after America's treatment of foreigners is questioned

Video released of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit held hostage by Hamas

ha ha ha
Pompey owner in hospital

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Quick News Round up

The cooks and cranks come out for the gay pride parade
China Celebrates 60 Years of Communism

Someone with no work to do and is paid to much comes up with another stupid idea
McDonald's map reveals 'McFarthest Point' in America

They have had it up to here with the new Butlins holiday camp
11 North Koreans defect by sea to South Korea

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Of course it was the Jews and not just his completely detestable character

Mossad agents involved in Farouk Hosni smear campaign

Quick News Round up

Oh dear Obama wont be happy!!
Pele, Cielo back Rio bid for 2016 Olympics

Not getting a good bang for your buck
AK-47 Manufacturer Faces Bankruptcy


It is interesting watching Israel, the current government in all of its disparate form, had a reputation for being tough and focused. Yet they have allowed themselves to be caught up in webs of negotiations over most issues including Iran, which is considered the greatest threat to Israel since 1973. So the question has to be is this a deliberate strategy in that case they should be slightly more willing to share the strategy to calm fears, or is it a malaise, in that case Israel and possibly the west is under a great deal of threat and it is evidence of drift in the much vaunted Israeli focus.
I hope the Israelis can gain their focus and stand up and do what is right even in the face of short sighted “world opinion”

Quick News Round up

Idiot Brits are Idiots
Box of British leaflets dropped from plane kills Afghan girl

How many stupid articles can we write over an invented, over hyped, little understood set of ideas?
The Neocons Make a Comeback

I wonder if counterterrorism extends to understanding they read our newspapaers?
Officials describe ‘penetration’ of al-Qaeda

Quick Food

Thank you for this

1 Pork fillet, about 115g
1 Carrot
2 sticks Celery
Olive oil
juice of 1 Oranges

1. Cut the pork into small dice about 1cm thick. Thread onto skewers.

2. Heat the olive oil in a griddle pan until smoking. Place the skewers in the pan and fry for 5 minutes, turning halfway through.

3. Meanwhile ribbon the carrots and the celery using a vegetable peeler or mandolin.

4. Serve the salad with the pork on top, season and squeeze over the orange juice.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Quick News Round up

Iran tells another lie
Iran soon to set time for atom plant inspection

I want it ALL and i want it all NOW!
Teen chops off father’s hands

Trouble in Africa...again
Guinea rally death toll nears 130

Another list of stuff
Reuters launches ME banking league tables

Saudi shows the wrold how to deal with troublesome teens
Saudi Arabia flogs teens after riots

Friday, 18 September 2009

My Mommy

Blogging will be light as my Mommy is coming to town for a week

Quick News Round up

Who knows maybe they are kinky and will enjoy it
Malaysian court orders Muslim lovers caned for sex
Boom: I dont like your politics
Bomb attack on Indian governor's home foiled
This story has been covered by about 1 billion different news sources so here you go I have included it
Tokyo Cracks Down on Train Groping, Again

I don’t want you to have children so my children may have a future ( or more evil social engineering and hypocrisy from the doom mongers)

Birth control could help combat climate change

Quick News Round up

Major super super important un-missable breaking news:
Lawn bowls rocked by match-fixing allegation
Bring down the guard towers, fences and close the military bases, NATO head wants us all to live in peace, love and harmony (yeah right!!)
NATO chief proposes linked US/Russian/NATO defense
Happy Quds day Iran tells Israel
Iran's Ahmadinejad says Holocaust a "myth" at Quds Day

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Here is the butcher’s bill for Al Qaeda

Al-Qaida and Taliban militants killed recently

Breaking news: Woman tries to park car, police tell her “leave it to a man love”

Public opinion a good predictor of terror attacks: study

BOOM: Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree ,strongly disagree or just been blown up so you don’t know?

Israel Issues Travel Alert for India

Israel Issues Travel Alert for India

Not Wrong

We will hunt our enemies down to the ends of the earth!

Key Pakistan militants 'killed'

The real Anchor man

TV Host's Gaffe: 'Keep F*****g That Chicken'


All Israeli and Jewish people and infrastructure associated with them around the world should be on alert for the Rosh Hashana Holiday, these major festivals are typically a time of vulnerability and terrorists may try to take advantage of this.

More when i get it but....

US downgrades Iranian missile threat: Pentagon

Quick News Round up

Yemen goes to hell in a hand basket, thanks Iran and AQ
As al-Qaida grows, Yemen battles Shiite rebels
The Iraq war was over oil wasn't it?
'No swift solution to Iraq oil row'
Israel 'will attack Iran this year' if West does not cripple Tehran with sanctions

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Recipe: Pomegranate and Sour Cherry Mandelbrot

Thanks to the The Seattle Times

Pomegranate and Sour Cherry Mandelbrot

Makes 2 dozen

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup pomegranate molasses

3 tablespoons honey

1 cup sugar, plus extra for sprinkling

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 eggs, lightly beaten

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup walnut halves

3/4 cup dried sour cherries, plumped in warm water, then drained and dried

1 egg white, beaten

1. Heat the oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a medium bowl, Whisk together the oil, pomegranate molasses, honey, sugar and vanilla. Whisk in the beaten whole eggs. Stir in the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, walnut halves and dried cherries.

3. Spoon out 2 rows of the dough about 8-by-3- or 4-inches wide. Brush the top with the egg white, then sprinkle with sugar.

4. Bake until the top of the dough seems firm and dry, about 25 to 35 minutes. Remove from the oven and reduce heat to 300 degrees.

5. Carefully slide the mandelbrot off the baking sheet and cut them crosswise into slices 3/4 inch thick. Place a wire cooling rack over the baking sheet, then arrange the mandelbrot slices on it. Bake for another 20 to 30 minutes, or until crisp and dry.

The “mighty” Hamas brought to its knees by deserters

Hamas Seeks New Doctrine after Gaza War Failures

Defensive victory( A Clinton in power and a rouge state going nuclear, it feels like North Korea all over again)

IAEA's poor nations split on Iran's attack ban bid

As the title suggest while this may be a victory against the ever encroaching Iranian Nuclear program, its still mealy a defensive victory. It still leaves the west and Israel on the back foot in terms of Iran’s nuclear program, it still leaves negations appearing to be an attempt by some western leaders to absolve their conciseness of this issue, it still leaves Israel under threat and finally it still leaves this entire issue without clear American leadership.

There can only be two outcomes with this entire issue ONE Iran goes nuclear or TWO the west stops Iran going nuclear. The worst possible way to get to either outcome is through a lack of leadership and will of behalf of the west, if we sleep walk into an outcome this will send a message to the rest of the world that the west is paralyzed and in terminal decline. It will also set a modern precedent for foreign policy behavior that a managed sleep walk into an outcome is acceptable behavior by the west. Is this really the new foreign policy reality that we want, debate and discourse as to how to best sleep walk into solutions?

The new face of justice for Al Qaeda?

Putin prepares for summit with western leaders

Surely the Guard had a gun?

Another week to live: Ohio delays execution after officials can't find inmate's usable vein in chilling botched attempt

Quick News Round up

Yemen in trouble and no cares (until its to late)
U.N.: No takers in Yemen aid appeal
Its true Trukeys sometimes vote for Christmas/Thanks Giving
Gaddafi son's call for democracy
Breaking News: after a thousand year search EU finds government more corrupt than it
EU says 1.1 million Afghan votes suspicious
Bonfire in the mouth
Recipe: White Chili

Quick News Round up

The Danes are sluts!!!!
Denmark pulls 'promiscuous' video
Avast me hearties people get together and agree to do nothing
Somali Piracy: U.K., Cyprus, Japan, Singapore, U.S. sign New York declaration
Crispy Tehran Chicken anyone?
Iran attack: Israel ex-min sees end-year deadline

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The nuclear rods swim with the fishes

Mafia 'sank nuclear waste ship'

Kim is coming to Nuke the pirates

North Korean ship fights off Somali pirates

Two Recipes Two Recipes

Heavenly Hash
1 small box instant vanilla pudding
1 medium can crushed pineapple
2-3 handfuls miniature marshmallows
1 can fruit cocktail
1 9-oz Cool Whip

Mix pineapple, juice and all, with pudding mix.

Drain fruit cocktail. Add other ingredients. Stir together.


Quick, Easy -N- Fast Rich Chocolate Pudding Recipe

1/4 C. sugar
2 T. cornstarch
2 C. hot milk
3 oz. semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, preferably imported, coarsely chopped
1 t. vanilla extract

Stir sugar and cornstarch together in medium saucepan. Gradually stir in milk. Heat, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves and mixture begins to boil and thicken, about 10 minutes. Add chocolate.

Cook over medium-low heat, stirring, until chocolate is melted and mixture thickens, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat; cool for 5 minutes. Stir in vanilla. Pour into small custard cups. Serve warm or at room temperature. Refrigerate leftovers.

Makes 4 servings.

Obama Is Pushing Israel Toward War

Obama Is Pushing Israel Toward War

You better beleive it

Iran only knows one thing and that is strength and we are weak, this is like oxygen to a fire for Iran. The coming showdown will be much worse if America is not there at kick off, history will judge America poorly on Iran.


Somali Commander Vows Revenge against U.S.

Any where(including the U.K and U.S.A) with large Somali communites should be on alert for the next six months to a year for a terror attack


India is 'losing Maoist battle'

What we are seeing is something very concerning, it’s not just the long spindly fingers of China in India that is worrisome. Its also the concern that this insurgency is out of control, that India hasn’t got a handle on this thing, remember India will soon become an economic Leviathan. My suggestion is deal with these people the way the British dealt with the Thugee.

Quick News Round up

He may well be right...soon
Gasoline sanctions on Iran impossible: Ahmadinejad

No to jobs power and influnce (well thats what these people want anyway)
Targeting Britain's war industry

Problems in J street?
The new friends of Israel

Monday, 14 September 2009

Quick News Round up

Waxwork gets a promotion
China VP set to get military post in a step to top

If the Arabs wont buy then someone else will
Israel eyes big arms sales in Africa

Viking elections
Norway left wins rare re-election: exit polls

Saudi Arabia on arms shopping spree in Russia

This story has significance for the world and more importantly for American and British interests in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia on arms shopping spree in Russia

There are many possible reasons for this new axis to emerge, Saudi’s worry over Iran( Saudi Arabia may be courting Russia to gain influence in the Kremlin in order to encourage Russia to reduce help to Iran) Also it may be Saudi Arabia feels slighted by the west over many issues. What is clear though is that two of the world’s largest oil producers coming together may impact oil prices for the worse. Also what is clear is Saudi Arabia feels western protection and help in a great deal many issues may not be as forth coming as it needs, thus Saudi is seeking closer ties with many countries to protect itself.
For Russia this represents a coup in influencing an area that is traditionally considered very western orientated.


I told you this story had a bit more legs now here we can see if unfold
Report: Terrorist wanted over 2002 attacks in Kenya killed in Somalia raid

This shows that America and its allies will hunt terrorists down to the ends of the earth and as far as i am concerned is good news.

My compressed analysis of this story would be one down many more to go

Breaking news; The British take to the countryside amid rumors Gordon Brown plans a new spending round

Bacon Mustard Crisps

Thank you for this
8 slices smoked bacon
1/2 cup ice water
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon white pepper
6 tablespoons cold butter, cut into 6 pieces
Place oven rack in middle position. Preheat oven to 450*F (230*C).
Cook bacon in large skillet until crisp. Place on paper towels to drain and reserve 2 tablespoons of bacon drippings. Finely chop bacon.
In a food processor fitted with the metal blade, combine water, mustard and 2 tablespoons bacon drippings. Process until just blended.
In a food processor fitted with the metal blade, combine flour, salt, baking powder and white pepper. Process to combine. Add cold butter; pulse until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add mustard mixture and pulse until just blended. Add bacon and pulse one or two times, just enough to blend in bacon.
Place mixture on lightly floured work surface. With a floured rolling pin, roll dough to a 1/8-inch thickness. Dip 2-inch round cutter in flour and press into dough. Place rounds on 2 ungreased baking sheets. Gather scraps and roll out and continue to cut out as many rounds as possible.
Bake in preheated oven for 10 to12 minutes, or until golden. Transfer to cooling racks. Serve with cheese and fruit.
Yield: about 80 crackers.

Gordon Browns Vision for the U.K

Quick News Round up

Massachusetts Institute of Technology rickrolled

Could this be the future for the U.K
Serbia to cut 20 pct of state jobs under IMF plan

Breaking and very important, this story will develop
Witnesses: Foreign troops raid Somali town