Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Defensive victory( A Clinton in power and a rouge state going nuclear, it feels like North Korea all over again)

IAEA's poor nations split on Iran's attack ban bid

As the title suggest while this may be a victory against the ever encroaching Iranian Nuclear program, its still mealy a defensive victory. It still leaves the west and Israel on the back foot in terms of Iran’s nuclear program, it still leaves negations appearing to be an attempt by some western leaders to absolve their conciseness of this issue, it still leaves Israel under threat and finally it still leaves this entire issue without clear American leadership.

There can only be two outcomes with this entire issue ONE Iran goes nuclear or TWO the west stops Iran going nuclear. The worst possible way to get to either outcome is through a lack of leadership and will of behalf of the west, if we sleep walk into an outcome this will send a message to the rest of the world that the west is paralyzed and in terminal decline. It will also set a modern precedent for foreign policy behavior that a managed sleep walk into an outcome is acceptable behavior by the west. Is this really the new foreign policy reality that we want, debate and discourse as to how to best sleep walk into solutions?

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