Saturday, 12 September 2009

Deadly car bomb blast in Kashmir

Deadly car bomb blast in Kashmir

This may or may not be the spill over from Pakistan's insecurity. What is for sure is that there are elements inside the Pakistani government that are out of control and have been co-operating with hardcore Islamist groups. This is a problem in two major ways, the first being that the Pakistani state structures a riddled, a bit like cancer, with these people and they work counter to peaceful development of Pakistan, its civil society and private economic enterprise. This means that ordinary decent citizens are denied services,jobs and support they much need, and in turn they look to radical Islamist movements to help provide welfare and support, thus radicalizing Pakistani society at the grass roots leval.

The second major issue is that those in the Pakistani government and civil service who have aligned themselves with Islamist groups view India not only as an enemy but view the Hindu faith as "dirty", thus if they are left in place inside Pakistani government structures they can destabilise the delicate situation between Pakistan and India. In short they can spread violence to the Kashmir and potentially spark a war between India and Pakistan.
That's why the powers involved in Pakistan,India and Afghanistan must do as much as possible to root out these elements inside Pakistan

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